When the debtor doesn’t pay – Vindicating claims in Hungary

Vindicating claims is often a difficult issue for the participants of economy. This matter has signs of dysfunction especially in the construction sector, but it is a common problem in other important areas and gives a hard time to private persons as well. In Hungarian law, creditors have a variety of ways to vindicate their claims. The tribute’s amount, expiry, the creditor and the debtor are determining circumstances that take…

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The new Civil Procedure Code of Hungary – What the changes mean for us?

The new Civil Procedure Code of Hungary came into force 1 January 2018 and – we can say – it has brought numerous changes. At the time of delivering this code the aim was to create a procedure which not only fits into the international practice but establishes a framework for a more professional one. To achieve this objective the legislator made changes even on a basic level. Two major…

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Civil Litigation in Hungary

In case a dispute concerning a civil matter occurs and subsequently no settlement is reached between the parties, most of the times the issue will be dealt with before the competent court pursuant to the rules laid down in the Civil Procedure Act. Courts In Hungary currently there is a four-tier court system: there exist more than a hundred district courts which deals with cases concerning for instance family law,…

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