Obligations after receiving the residence permit
Any third-country national holding a valid residence permit is entitled to enter Hungary and stay for more than ninety day within any one hundred and eighty day period during the validity of the permit. However, they also have additional obligations during residency especially in case of future extension intent.
1. Residence permit
Third-country nationals shall preserve their residence permit and they are obligated to promptly notify the immigration authority if their residence permit is lost, stolen or destroyed.
2. Work permit
If the original application did not aim for work permit and the received permit does not constitute an entitlement to engage in gainful activity and to undertake employment, a separate application shall be submitted if the third country national would like to work in Hungary.
You can find more information about the relevant residence permit types in our previous article: http://drdobos.eu/2019/05/11/third-country-nationals-on-the-hungarian-labor-market-employment-of-a-third-country-nationals/
3. Lost travel documents
In case of lost, stolen or destroyed travel documents the third-country nationals shall promptly notify the immigration authority. The authority will give written confirmation concerning receipt of such notification.
The third-country national whose travel document is lost, stolen or destroyed shall obtain a replacement travel document and travel abroad is only possible in possession of the new travel document and the aforementioned certificate of notification.
The immigration authority shall be immediately notified if the travel document, which was presumed lost and reported as such, is found.
4. Change of address
When relocating, the third-country national is required to notify the regional directorate of the immigration authority about the new address within three days.
5. Birth of a third-country national child
Any third-country nationals holding a residence permit in Hungary is obliged to report the birth of their child.
The following information must be communicated to the authorities:
- Name
- Place and date of birth:
- Gender
- Mother’s maiden name
- Nationality
- Passport identification data
- Address
6. Extension
The extension of a residence permit is not automatic rather is subject of a separate application. The validity of the residence permit is crucial. The application can be submitted 30 days before the residence permit expires at the latest and the valid passport has to be presented to the authorities.
Although the requirements for extension are similar to the ones which support getting one in the first place, but according to the legislation the extension of a residence permit may be authorized only if the third-country national’s residence exceeded ninety days within any one hundred eighty day period before the time of submission of the application for extension.
A residence permit usually may be extended for the same amount of time as the originally issued permit, which period is two years if the Act on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals did not specified otherwise.
If you have any questions regarding this article or there is an individual immigration case you would like to have a consultation about, do not hesitate to contact us!
Disclaimer: We provide our services in accordance with the Hungarian and European laws in effect. We assist our clients only in lawful entry and residency in Hungary and we do not support illegal immigration.
Dobos István attorney at law (ügyvéd; Budapest)/ Kőhidi Ákos attorney at law (ügyvéd; Győr) / Laczó Barbara
Phone / Whatsapp: +36303088151 / + 36305866162