Overview of immigration procedures in Hungary
A person who is not an EEA citizen or a family member of one* may travel to Hungary with a valid visa or shall apply for a residence permit depending on the intended duration of the stay.
If this period does not exceed 90 days within 180 days, third-country nationals are entitled to travel to the Schengen area, therefore Hungary, with a Schengen visa issued by a member state.
Depending on the purpose of the visit one can apply to:
- Airport transit visa is for travel through the international zone of a Schengen Country Airport without entering the Schengen Country when changing flights
- Tourism visa is required if a third-country national wish to visit the country for sightseeing purposes
- Visa for visiting family or friends is for visiting a family member or friend who is legally residing in the country. In this case letter of invitation from the host is required.
- Business visa is the adequate choice for business men and women who often need to travel to and from the Schengen countries for business purposes. Applying for such a visa can be a fast process as quicker appointment can be obtained during peak season of visa applications.
- Official visit is ticked in the application form in case of traveling to the area on an official duty e.g. as part of a delegation.
- Visa for Medical reasons serves the purpose of receiving a shorter medical care at a medical clinic or hospital in Hungary.
- Study visa is for the purpose to attend any type of education courses for a period shorter than three months. You shall mark this on your application form if you need to take an entrance exam for a Hungarian school or university
- Visa for culture and sport activities is a visa type for applicants who wish to attend on a Cultural/Sports/Religious event as a part of the event – not only as audience.
In some cases, citizens of a third country don’t need a Schengen Visa to enter Europe for tourism or business purposes subject to certain conditions. The full list of countries whose nationals are exempt from the visa acquisition obligation can be reviewed in Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2018/1806. The list includes but is not limited to Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Serbia and the United Arab Emirates.
If the planned stay exceeds 3 months a sort of residence permit shall be required. Hungarian residence permit can be issued for the following purposes:
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Family Reunification may be issued to a third-country national who is relative of a third-country national who is in possession of a residence permit, immigration permit, permanent residence permit, interim permanent residence permit, a national or EC permanent residence permit, or – under specific other legislation – in possession of a residence card or permanent residence card.
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Study is required when you wish to attend at a full-time course of study. You have to be able to verify the linguistic knowledge required for the pursuit of studies.
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Traineeship may be issued if you have already signed a training agreement and you are able to prove that you have the necessary education degree and have sufficient knowledge of the language needed.
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Job-searching or Entrepreneurship is the next step if you have finished your research activity or studies in Hungary in possession of a valid residence permit in this regard and are able to prove the completion of research activity or studies.
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Employment may be issued to third-country nationals whose purpose of residence is to perform work under employment relationship or who performs work as owner or executive officer of a legal entity.
- Residence Permit for the Pursuit of Gainful Activity is required when you wish to perform work in a self-employed capacity or are owner or manager of a legal entity or member of the board of such entity.
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Intra-corporate Transfer and Permit for Long-term Mobility is the adequate residence permit in case of an existing employment – the duration of which shall exceed 3 months – at a company in a third country which belongs to the same company or group of companies as the host entity. To be eligible, the duration of the intra-corporate transfer has to be the longest in Hungary.
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Seasonal Employment is issued for maximum 6 months and can be extended by maximum 6 additional months within a 12-month period.
- Residence Permit for Official Purposes can be issued to diplomats or their family members, to members of a foreign government, journalists and for scientific or educational reasons.
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Visit requires a letter of invitation with official endorsement from the host and does not allow to engage in gainful activity.
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Research is for carrying out a research project under a hosting agreement. The applicant shall have doctoral degree or an appropriate higher education qualification which gives access to doctoral programs.
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Medical Treatment is for individuals who wish to receive medical treatment in the territory of Hungary and the third-country national accompanying the minor child or family member in need of support for receiving that treatment
- Residence Permit for Other Purposes applies if the purpose of the stay is different from the above mentioned and the applicant otherwise fulfills the requirements of residence in Hungary.
- Residence Permit for the Purpose of Voluntary Service Activities requires a voluntary service agreement with a host entity specified by law. Participants of the European Voluntary Service and individuals providing voluntary services in the public interest are eligible.
The documents necessary for application and other conditions are specified according to the purpose of the stay, but it is certain that you will need a valid travel document, insurance and verifiable accommodation.
If you are a family member of an EU/EEA national it doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t need a visa in order to enter the Schengen zone.
There are more upcoming articles on the legal aspects of migration. If you are interested in this topic, please revisit our website and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us!
Disclaimer: We provide our services in accordance with the Hungarian and European laws in effect. We assist our clients only in lawful entry and residency in Hungary and we do not support illegal immigration.
Do you have any question regarding lawfully immigration to Hungary? Do not hesitate to contact us!
Dobos István attorney at law (ügyvéd; Budapest)/ Kőhidi Ákos attorney at law (ügyvéd; Győr) / Laczó Barbara
E: office@doboskohidi.eu
Phone / Whatsapp: +36303088151 / + 36305866162