Acquiring Hungarian Citizenship by naturalization

Naturalization is one of the titles of the acquisition of Hungarian citizenship, which is available for non-Hungarian individuals who have not previously held Hungarian citizenship. There are additional types of naturalization due to the fact that, in some cases, the legislation provides preferential conditions. Our article focuses on traditional naturalization and gives specifics on preferential cases as well. “There shall be no discrimination between Hungarian citizens on the basis of…

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Hungarian Citizenship – Simplified Naturalization Procedure

A non-Hungarian citizen whose ascendant was a Hungarian citizen or who is able to substantiate of being a Hungarian origin may be naturalized if he or she proves that he or she possesses an adequate language proficiency of the Hungarian language. I. Act LV of 1993 on Hungarian Citizenship: The Hungarian citizenship is regulated by the Act LV of 1993 on Hungarian Citizenship. This Act thoroughly details the procedure and…

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